Summer University on Federalism, Decentralisation and Conflict Resolution 2022: Open for Applications
Corso di laurea in Sicurezza e Cooperazione Internazionale e Gestione de flussi migratori
Si informano gli studenti interessati che sono aperte le iscrizioni per partecipare alla prossima “Summer University on Federalism, Decentralization and Conflict Resolution”.
La Summer University è un evento estivo che avrà luogo a Fribourg (Svizzera) da lunedì 15 agosto a venerdì 2 settembre 2022.
Di seguito tutte le informazioni:
The Summer University is in its 29th edition and has been a place of interaction for students from all around the world. It deals inter alia with questions of minority protection, separation of powers, or inclusion through power-sharing, which are crucial to current conflicts in many states around the world – from Belgium to Ethiopia, from Iraq to Bosnia and Herzegovina, from Nepal to Syria. Federalism and decentralisation therefore continue to be discussed as instruments for resolving violent and non-violent conflicts, for dealing with state failure, and for contributing to democratisation. These and other topics will be dealt with from an interdisciplinary perspective.
The Institute of federalism is based in Fribourg, Switzerland and has been active for over three decades, our alumni is diverse and represents almost all countries in the world.
Applications are now open!
You can find more information in the leaflet attached and on our website. If you have any questions about the programme, please do not hesitate to contact: summeruniversity@unifr.ch.